Wednesday, October 5, 2011
i'm not good at this whole blogging thing...
I'm really not.. it's been a year almost since last updating, but better late then never right? so whats new.. lots, but i'm not going to include all the small details cause then this post would go on forever, so i'll write about the big details. were still living at home with my parents, but plan on looking for a house once we get our tax return back to help pay for the inspection fee and closing cost and all that good stuff. Ella is 2 now which is so insane to believe, the day she was born is still so fresh in my mind and will be forever, she's an awesome little girl and i really couldn't ask for anything more from a daughter <3. nevin and me went and bought our wedding rings from SAMS the other day, he was able to get his that day but mine needed to be shipped off to be resized, but once it's back we plan on going to the courthouse to finally tie the knot! after going on 6 years i think it's time, and also some super exciting news! I'M PREGNANT with baby #2 which is due June 5th 2012 :) were super excited and cant wait for ella to be a big sis. i'm 5 weeks and 1 day today, not feeling many symptoms yet, but i guarantee morning sickness will probably kick in around 6 weeks just like it did with ella... not much more to post really.. so until next time <3 :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010
october's over.
were finally getting over a very nasty cold, which has stuck with our whole family for over a week now. the first few days were the worst, sore throats, fevers, lots of boogers everywhere! but were starting to feel better finally. ella was supposed to have her 15 month check up on the 26th of october, but since she was sick they ended up turning this doctors visit into a sick visit, and postponing her well baby check up until the 9th of this month. we found out that she was starting to get an ear infection from the cold so were prescribed some amoxicillin. she's almost done with the bottle now, thank god. she cant stand taking that stuff...
my little sickling. :(

but since i haven't updated in quite a while i guess i should start at the beginning of october since that's the last time i'd posted a blog..
we took a trip to biloxi at the beginning of october to visit my opa and his wife. they were spending a few days there at the casino and wanted us to come up there so they could see ella. we stayed and had lunch and hung out for a bit, we went up into their hotel room on the 26th floor, looking over the gulf of mexico, ella was in love with looking out the window and seeing ocean as far as the eye could see. :) she didn't want to leave the side of that window.

a friend of mine kasey welcomed her beautiful baby girl into the world on october 22, her name is autumn avery. ella and me took a little trip to visit them while they were in the hospital, no way at all did it help my baby fever. :P seeing ella give her kisses and keep pointing at her and saying baby, baby, over and over again. seeing my baby pointing at a newborn and calling it baby, it was love. and it wasn't even my child. thinking about how it will be when she'll be a big sister. oh i know she will be wonderful.
in this picture ella was showing me where little autumns toes were. :)

we also went to a vw car show this month. called rare air, we had a good time and saw lots of nice aircooled vw's.

i've been crafting a lot, and not just little things, but like big things, well not huge, but like a table.. that's pretty big for me. :) i've fallen in love with the beachy cottage type decor, and the old distressed and vintage look. and this table turned out exactly how i wanted it to! it used to be my parents living room table. a table that was used when my little brother was between the age of 5 to 11. so it was pretty beat up as you can imagine. lots of little nicks and cracks, but it worked perfectly with the look i was going for! the color just wasn't working for me, it wasn't an ugly color just not my style, it was a dark dark stained wood.. well i got to sanding and sanding and sanding, and then painting and painting.. and then, i was finished! and it was perfect! absolutely PERFECT. i am so in love!

oh and just cutsie little crafts too.. like this awesome little rosettes i've learned how to make, and cant get enough of. and this cute little felt monkey that i made on this rainy day.

we carved pumpkins only a day before halloween since the weather has still been so warm here. rotting pumpkins before halloween would have been no good. yuck! i think ella's is the cutest of course ;)

and halloween was alright, we went to the mall where i was told was a great place to take the kids trick or treating, but she ended up only getting at most 10 pieces of candy, and most of them being things that she couldn't even eat. :( this is probably because we didn't end up staying long since we were still all feeling pretty crumby from this cold. but it's ok. she wasn't very much into it this year, next year i definitely plan on taking her somewhere else. so we headed home and just let ella prance around the house in her little kitty costume and give all the neighborhood trick or treaters all their candy.

so now october is once again over, and november is here. i'm hoping for some cooler weather which finally looks like it's happening. high's in the mid 60's over the next few days! that's what i'm talking about. :) time to pull out the hoodies and put away the flip flops.. oh wait.. i always wear flip flops...
well i'm tired. everyone is asleep. it's late, i guess that's all i really have to say. which is quite a bit. :) but i'm glad i was able to. goodnight for now. :)
my little sickling. :(

but since i haven't updated in quite a while i guess i should start at the beginning of october since that's the last time i'd posted a blog..
we took a trip to biloxi at the beginning of october to visit my opa and his wife. they were spending a few days there at the casino and wanted us to come up there so they could see ella. we stayed and had lunch and hung out for a bit, we went up into their hotel room on the 26th floor, looking over the gulf of mexico, ella was in love with looking out the window and seeing ocean as far as the eye could see. :) she didn't want to leave the side of that window.

a friend of mine kasey welcomed her beautiful baby girl into the world on october 22, her name is autumn avery. ella and me took a little trip to visit them while they were in the hospital, no way at all did it help my baby fever. :P seeing ella give her kisses and keep pointing at her and saying baby, baby, over and over again. seeing my baby pointing at a newborn and calling it baby, it was love. and it wasn't even my child. thinking about how it will be when she'll be a big sister. oh i know she will be wonderful.
in this picture ella was showing me where little autumns toes were. :)

we also went to a vw car show this month. called rare air, we had a good time and saw lots of nice aircooled vw's.

i've been crafting a lot, and not just little things, but like big things, well not huge, but like a table.. that's pretty big for me. :) i've fallen in love with the beachy cottage type decor, and the old distressed and vintage look. and this table turned out exactly how i wanted it to! it used to be my parents living room table. a table that was used when my little brother was between the age of 5 to 11. so it was pretty beat up as you can imagine. lots of little nicks and cracks, but it worked perfectly with the look i was going for! the color just wasn't working for me, it wasn't an ugly color just not my style, it was a dark dark stained wood.. well i got to sanding and sanding and sanding, and then painting and painting.. and then, i was finished! and it was perfect! absolutely PERFECT. i am so in love!

oh and just cutsie little crafts too.. like this awesome little rosettes i've learned how to make, and cant get enough of. and this cute little felt monkey that i made on this rainy day.

we carved pumpkins only a day before halloween since the weather has still been so warm here. rotting pumpkins before halloween would have been no good. yuck! i think ella's is the cutest of course ;)

and halloween was alright, we went to the mall where i was told was a great place to take the kids trick or treating, but she ended up only getting at most 10 pieces of candy, and most of them being things that she couldn't even eat. :( this is probably because we didn't end up staying long since we were still all feeling pretty crumby from this cold. but it's ok. she wasn't very much into it this year, next year i definitely plan on taking her somewhere else. so we headed home and just let ella prance around the house in her little kitty costume and give all the neighborhood trick or treaters all their candy.

so now october is once again over, and november is here. i'm hoping for some cooler weather which finally looks like it's happening. high's in the mid 60's over the next few days! that's what i'm talking about. :) time to pull out the hoodies and put away the flip flops.. oh wait.. i always wear flip flops...
well i'm tired. everyone is asleep. it's late, i guess that's all i really have to say. which is quite a bit. :) but i'm glad i was able to. goodnight for now. :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
enjoying fall ♥
autumn is by far my favorite season! the sun is still warm, the breeze is cool they just work perfectly together. we've been enjoying most of these days outside, its too beautiful not to. spending time out back playing fetch with our pup luna, out front chalking, and in the afternoons venturing out for a nice walk and a little play time at the park.

we dug all of our fall/halloween decorations out from the attic and have put all of them up. not sure were going to go all out this year on all the ghosts and ghouls, ella is absolutely terrified of the displays they have at the store of the evil witches and hovering ghosts, i think this year we may just skip all that and just stick with the not so spooky and more kid friendly halloween decorations. :)

we dug all of our fall/halloween decorations out from the attic and have put all of them up. not sure were going to go all out this year on all the ghosts and ghouls, ella is absolutely terrified of the displays they have at the store of the evil witches and hovering ghosts, i think this year we may just skip all that and just stick with the not so spooky and more kid friendly halloween decorations. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010
baby legs tutorial
i made this tutorial a few months back but i just thought i should go ahead and post it up onto here for anyone to enjoy. :) they are super easy to make and i just love them on ella.

1. cut the socks right above the heel and then right under. then you're going to cut the off the toes.
throw away the heel and toe scraps.

2. this part is optional.. you can either keep the cuff as is or you can cut some off to make the cuff a little smaller to be snug around the bottom of baby's leg. if you decide not to cut then skip to part 5 if not go to 3.

3. you're then going to turn the sock inside out and sew the raw edges together.

4. turn the cuffs back and you should have something like this!

5. then you're going to place the leg piece into the each cuff like so.

this is the easiest way i've found to fit the sock into the cuff.. i place the cuff over my fingers and then spread it open and stuff the sock in.

6. then you're going to sew around the sock using a zig zag stitch. make sure all 3 of your layers are all being sewn together.

7. then once you're done you're going to flip the cuff over and TA DA! a baby leg, now do the same with the other sock.

finished product! :)
1. cut the socks right above the heel and then right under. then you're going to cut the off the toes.
throw away the heel and toe scraps.
2. this part is optional.. you can either keep the cuff as is or you can cut some off to make the cuff a little smaller to be snug around the bottom of baby's leg. if you decide not to cut then skip to part 5 if not go to 3.
3. you're then going to turn the sock inside out and sew the raw edges together.
4. turn the cuffs back and you should have something like this!
5. then you're going to place the leg piece into the each cuff like so.
this is the easiest way i've found to fit the sock into the cuff.. i place the cuff over my fingers and then spread it open and stuff the sock in.
6. then you're going to sew around the sock using a zig zag stitch. make sure all 3 of your layers are all being sewn together.
7. then once you're done you're going to flip the cuff over and TA DA! a baby leg, now do the same with the other sock.
finished product! :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
af i'm sick of your waiting game!
so it's cycle day 34! what?! why?! i have no idea, i usually have a 28-29 day cycle and this is just lasting way too long. i've taken two pregnancy tests, one on CD 31 and one on CD 33 and both came out negative. i've also been having period symptoms for the past week now, so it seems like shes coming, but she's just taking her sweet time. i have no idea what is going on, and i hate this waiting game AF is putting me though. :( there was a crazy cycle i had back around 5 or so months ago where the same thing happened, and AF ended up showing up a week late, so i'm getting close to that this cycle and i'm just hoping that she'll finally show up sooner then later... is it possible to even miss a period all together without being pregnant? oh i hope not cause that will drive me CRAZY!
lk*$JSHA#*$#adhlnv! sums up how i'm feeling about AF right about now.
hmm so all this is a just a big af rant. how fun! not.
lk*$JSHA#*$#adhlnv! sums up how i'm feeling about AF right about now.
hmm so all this is a just a big af rant. how fun! not.
Monday, September 27, 2010
looking back in videos ♥
i cant believe it's been a little over 14 months since i've given birth to my daughter, and almost 2 years since conceiving her. these past 2 years have gone by faster then i could EVER imagine.
by far the best 2 years of my life. ♥ but many many more amazing years to come.
jan. 25th 2009
may 12th 2009
july 30th 2009
aug. 22 2009
sep. 9th 2009
sept. 17th 2009
sept. 23rd 2009
sept. 24 2009
oct. 21st 2009
oct. 25th 2009
nov. 5th 2009
nov. 13th 2009
feb. 14th 2010
march 7th 2010
june 9th 2009
sept. 14th 2010
by far the best 2 years of my life. ♥ but many many more amazing years to come.
jan. 25th 2009
may 12th 2009
july 30th 2009
aug. 22 2009
sep. 9th 2009
sept. 17th 2009
sept. 23rd 2009
sept. 24 2009
oct. 21st 2009
oct. 25th 2009
nov. 5th 2009
nov. 13th 2009
feb. 14th 2010
march 7th 2010
june 9th 2009
sept. 14th 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
nightstand edition

so i bought this little nightstand from a thrift store for 20 bucks! yes it was quite a steal, but the paint was horrible. it was very shiny, and everything i set on it stuck to it. so i knew i'd end up repainting it. well finally after a few months, i was sick of it. i've recently fallen inlove with pastel colors i just think they are so refreshing. so i went to lowes and picked out a beautiful light blue color by valspar, the Seaside Retreat collection.

so after sanding the nightstand down for HOURS with first 60 grit and then 120 grit, thank god we had a power sander, it would have been impossible without it. we ended up with this. she was already looking better.

now came the FUN part! i painted and painted. and then i was inlove! she came out looking wonderful!

i cant for the life of me get the actual color to show up on my camera of the nightstand, but its a light blueish green. sort of a cross between this picture and the picture of the paint in the can.
i ♥ the way it turned out though. definitely plan on doing more little projects like this whenever i find something that could use a little spiffing up!
and these are just a few things that i have decorating the top of the nightstand. the cutsie little birdie i bought at the dollar store, for you guessed it 1 dollar!! i just couldn't say no.

so i bought this little nightstand from a thrift store for 20 bucks! yes it was quite a steal, but the paint was horrible. it was very shiny, and everything i set on it stuck to it. so i knew i'd end up repainting it. well finally after a few months, i was sick of it. i've recently fallen inlove with pastel colors i just think they are so refreshing. so i went to lowes and picked out a beautiful light blue color by valspar, the Seaside Retreat collection.
so after sanding the nightstand down for HOURS with first 60 grit and then 120 grit, thank god we had a power sander, it would have been impossible without it. we ended up with this. she was already looking better.
now came the FUN part! i painted and painted. and then i was inlove! she came out looking wonderful!
i cant for the life of me get the actual color to show up on my camera of the nightstand, but its a light blueish green. sort of a cross between this picture and the picture of the paint in the can.
i ♥ the way it turned out though. definitely plan on doing more little projects like this whenever i find something that could use a little spiffing up!
and these are just a few things that i have decorating the top of the nightstand. the cutsie little birdie i bought at the dollar store, for you guessed it 1 dollar!! i just couldn't say no.
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