i made this tutorial a few months back but i just thought i should go ahead and post it up onto here for anyone to enjoy. :) they are super easy to make and i just love them on ella.

1. cut the socks right above the heel and then right under. then you're going to cut the off the toes.
throw away the heel and toe scraps.

2. this part is optional.. you can either keep the cuff as is or you can cut some off to make the cuff a little smaller to be snug around the bottom of baby's leg. if you decide not to cut then skip to part 5 if not go to 3.

3. you're then going to turn the sock inside out and sew the raw edges together.

4. turn the cuffs back and you should have something like this!

5. then you're going to place the leg piece into the each cuff like so.

this is the easiest way i've found to fit the sock into the cuff.. i place the cuff over my fingers and then spread it open and stuff the sock in.

6. then you're going to sew around the sock using a zig zag stitch. make sure all 3 of your layers are all being sewn together.

7. then once you're done you're going to flip the cuff over and TA DA! a baby leg, now do the same with the other sock.
finished product! :)