well im expecting once again and as happy as can be. ofcourse having another miscarriage is stressing me out quite a bit but im trying to think positive and try not to stress out too much. i am about 4 weeks 4 days today and i've already had tons of positive pregnancy test, i started testing on 8dpo and thats when i got my first faint faint positive and tested about every day after that, and today got my blood test results back and they are also positive. as for symptoms, not too many yet, i have this random pinching twinging on the left side of my lower abdomin and some shooting pains going through my brests, some random nausious spells but nothing too horrible. my fiance was the one who read out the first test and he was there with me to read out all the rest so he knows, and he absolutly cant wait to see our little baby bug. i have also told my mother and she is very happy for us, but no one else as of yet, and i plan on holding off for a couple more weeks just to make sure things go smoothly. im not sure when my first obgyn appointment is going to be since i need my base docter to refur me to a clinic offbase, i sure hope its soon though. i'll be posting on here weekly probably, just with the progression of my pregnancy :) praying its a sticky baby bean.
In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months.
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