
Sunday, November 23, 2008

er er

last night i'd had a little bit of a scare, after going to the bathroom i noticed i'd had a little bit of brown spotting, and over the past couple days i've been getting these awkward type twinges and pinches on my left side. i was so worried that i might be having an ectopic pregnancy, i worked myself up so much, i could sleep eat or get through my day without thinking about it. today i ended up going to the ER at TMC (tucson medical center), we sat in the waiting room for about two hours, and then they called us back, we went into the room and they asked me for a urine sample, after i got back from doing that, they took my blood, while they were doing that i started getting really hot flashy and nausious and ended up throwing up in one of there fancy little blue puke buckets, ew. anyways they took all kinds of blood, as i was waiting for the results, they rolled me down the hospital and took me to the ultrasound room. as i was waiting for the technician to get everything ready i way praying and praying and had my fingers crossed the whole time. and to my surprise everything was PERFECT :) i got to see my little bean tiny tiny but so beautiful. most beautiful little dot i've ever seen. and it measured perfectly 5 weeks and 6 days. i was so happy and relieved. i wasent able to get a picture, so thats a bummer but im so happy i saw it and everything was fine. after we were done they wheeled me back into my room, i found out my blood type is A+ and that my beta for i think around 28dpo is 21,380 which she said was perfect. they did a pap test just to make sure everything was fine down there and it was A ok, no bleeding and the cervix was tightly closed. i'm glad this day did a total 360 and hopefully i wont get another scare like this again.

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